Data Processing

D-ploy (Schweiz) GmbH – Data Processing and Protection information for applicants

Thank you for your application to the advertised position and your interest in working with D-ploy. In the following sections, we provide you with information on the processing of your personal data during the recruitment process.

1      Data processing responsibility

D-ploy (Schweiz) GmbH

Dorfstrasse 48

CH-4303 Kaiseraugst

You will find further information about our company, information about the persons entitled to represent the company, entities and relevant contact information on our website

2      What personal data are we processing and for which purpose?

We are processing the data that you have sent us with your application in order to verify your suitability for the position (or, if applicable, other open positions in our company and entities) and to carry out the application process.

3      What is the legal basis for the personal data processing?

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in this application procedure is primarily Based on Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the federal data protection regulations (Data Protection Act, FADP), and Art. 6. 1 (b) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). It allows processing of data, which is necessary in order to decide on the establishment of an employment relationship and further contractual proceedings.

Should the data be required for legal proceedings after the completion of the application process, further data processing may be based on the requirements of Art. 6 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), in particular for the exercise of legitimate interests under Art. f) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) with regard to the assertion or defence of claims.

4      For how long will the data be stored?

In case that no employment relationship is established with the candidate, your personal data will be deleted after 3 years.

In case where an employment relationship has been established, the personal data of the candidate will be transferred to our human resources management system.

5      With whom will the personal data be shared?

Only the persons who need it for the proper conduct and diligent execution of our application process have access to your data. Your applicant data will be reviewed by the Recruiting department after receiving your application. Appropriate applications are then forwarded internally to the particular hiring managers for the respective open position as well as to the corresponding management representatives who are involved in the decision-making process. For certain consulting positions and specific customer mandates, your personal data may be shared with the hiring manager of the customer.

Personal data may be transferred to EU countries and / or non-EU countries where D-ploy and / or a specific customer has an entity in accordance with Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. (Data Protection Act, FADP), in accordance with Art. 6 Abs. 2 and 3 lit. (Data Protection Act, FADP) respectively Art. 45 and Art. 46 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

6      Your “data subject” rights

You have the right to be informed about which of your personal data we are processing.

In case of a request for information that is not made in writing, we ask for your understanding that we may then require an identification evidence – basically, a proof that you are the person you are requesting information for and about.

You have the right to rectification or deletion or to restrict processing of your personal data to the extent permitted by law.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and the right to data portability within the scope of the statutory requirements.

You have the right to open a complaint with the responsible data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data.

7      Contact information for our Data Protection Officer

Our appointed Data Protection Officer is Mr. Wolfgang Glasbrenner.

Contact details:

D-ploy (Schweiz) GmbH – Datenverarbeitungs- und Datenschutzinformationen für Bewerber

Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewerbung auf die ausgeschriebene Stelle und Ihr Interesse an einer Zusammenarbeit mit D-ploy. In den folgenden Abschnitten informieren wir Sie über die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten im Rahmen des Bewerbungsverfahrens.

1      Verantwortlichkeit für die Datenverarbeitung

D-ploy (Schweiz) GmbH

Dorfstrasse 48

CH-4303 Kaiseraugst

Weitere Informationen zu unserem Unternehmen, Informationen zu den vertretungsberechtigten Personen, Unternehmen und relevanten Kontaktdaten finden Sie auf unserer Website

2      Welche personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten wir und zu welchem Zweck?

Wir verarbeiten die Daten, die Sie uns mit Ihrer Bewerbung übermittelt haben, um Ihre Eignung für die Stelle (oder ggf. andere offene Stellen in unserem Unternehmen und unseren Unternehmen) zu überprüfen und das Bewerbungsverfahren durchzuführen.

3      Was ist die Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten?

Die Rechtsgrundlage für die Bearbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten in diesem Bewerbungsverfahren richtet sich in erster Linie nach Artikel 13 der Schweizerischen Bundesverfassung und den Bundesdatenschutzbestimmungen (Bundesgesetz über den Datenschutz, DSG) sowie Art. 6. 1 lit. b GDPR (Allgemeine Datenschutz-Verordnung Regulation (EU) 2016/679). Sie ermöglicht die Verarbeitung von Daten, die für die Entscheidung bezüglich eines Beschäftigungsverhältnisses und für das weitere Vertragsverfahren erforderlich ist.

Sollten die Daten nach Abschluss des Bewerbungsverfahrens für rechtliche Verfahren erforderlich sein, kann die weitere Datenverarbeitung auf den Voraussetzungen des Art. 6 GDPR (Allgemeine Datenschutz-Verordnung Regulation (EU) 2016/679) beruhen, insbesondere zur Ausübung berechtigter Interessen nach Art. f) GDPR (Allgemeine Datenschutz-Verordnung Regulation (EU) 2016/679) im Hinblick auf die Geltendmachung oder Verteidigung von Ansprüchen.

4      Wie lange werden die Daten gespeichert?

Für den Fall, dass kein Beschäftigungsverhältnis mit dem Kandidaten zustande kommt, werden Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nach 3 Jahren gelöscht.

Für den Fall, dass ein Beschäftigungsverhältnis zustande kommt, werden die personenbezogenen Daten des Kandidaten an unser Personalmanagementsystem übertragen.

5      An wen werden die personenbezogenen Daten weitergegeben?

Nur die Personen, die sie für die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung und sorgfältige Durchführung unseres Bewerbungsverfahrens benötigen, haben Zugriff auf Ihre Daten. Ihre Bewerberdaten werden nach Eingang Ihrer Bewerbung von der Recruiting-Abteilung geprüft. Entsprechende Bewerbungen werden dann intern an die jeweiligen Personalverantwortlichen für die jeweilige offene Stelle sowie an die entsprechenden Managementvertreter weitergeleitet, die in den Entscheidungsprozess eingebunden sind. Für bestimmte Beratungspositionen und spezifische Kundenmandate können Ihre personenbezogenen Daten an den Personalverantwortlichen des Kunden weitergegeben werden.

Personenbezogene Daten können in EU-Länder und/oder Nicht-EU-Länder übermittelt werden, in denen D-ploy und/oder ein bestimmter Kunde eine Niederlassung hat gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. (Datenschutzgesetz, DSG), gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 2 und 3 lit. (Datenschutzgesetz, DSG) bzw. Art. 45 und Art. 46 GDPR (Allgemeine Datenschutz-Verordnung Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

6      Ihre Rechte als „betroffene Person“

Sie haben das Recht, darüber informiert zu werden, welche Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten wir verarbeiten.

Im Falle einer Auskunftsanfrage, die nicht schriftlich erfolgt, bitten wir um Ihr Verständnis, dass wir dann ggf. einen Identifikationsnachweis verlangen – im Grunde einen Nachweis, dass Sie die Person sind, für die und über die Sie Informationen anfordern.

Sie haben das Recht auf Berichtigung oder Löschung oder auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten, soweit dies gesetzlich zulässig ist.

Sie haben das Recht, der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu widersprechen und das Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Vorgaben.

Sie haben das Recht, sich bei der zuständigen Datenschutz-Aufsichtsbehörde über die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu beschweren.

7      Kontaktdaten unseres Datenschutzbeauftragten

Unser bestellter Datenschutzbeauftragter ist Herr Wolfgang Glasbrenner.


D-ploy (Deutschland) GmbH – Data Processing and Protection information for applicants

Thank you for your application to the advertised position and your interest in working with D-ploy. In the following sections, we provide you with information on the processing of your personal data during the recruitment process.

1      Data processing responsibility

D-ploy (Deutschland) GmbH

Wiesentalstrasse 74a

DE-79539 Lörrach

You will find further information about our company, information about the persons entitled to represent the company, entities and relevant contact information on our website

2      What personal data are we processing and for which purpose?

We are processing the data that you have sent us with your application in order to verify your suitability for the position (or, if applicable, other open positions in our company and entities) and to carry out the application process.

3      What is the legal basis for the personal data processing?

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in this application procedure is primarily Art. 6. 1 (b) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). It allows processing of data, which is necessary in order to decide on the establishment of an employment relationship and further contractual proceedings.

Should the data be required for legal proceedings after the completion of the application process, further data processing may be based on the requirements of Art. 6 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), in particular for the exercise of legitimate interests under Art. f) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) with regard to the assertion or defence of claims.

4      For how long will the data be stored?

In case that no employment relationship is established with the candidate, your personal data will be deleted after 3 years.

In case where an employment relationship has been established, the personal data of the candidate will be transferred to our human resources management system.

5      With whom will the personal data be shared?

Only the persons who need it for the proper conduct and diligent execution of our application process have access to your data. Your applicant data will be reviewed by the Recruiting department after receiving your application. Appropriate applications are then forwarded internally to the particular hiring managers for the respective open position as well as to the corresponding management representatives who are involved in the decision-making process. For certain consulting positions and specific customer mandates, your personal data may be shared with the hiring manager of the customer.

Personal data may be transferred to other EU countries and / or non-EU countries where D-ploy and / or a specific customer has an entity in accordance with Art. 45 and Art. 46 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

6      Your “data subject” rights

You have the right to be informed about which of your personal data we are processing.

In case of a request for information that is not made in writing, we ask for your understanding that we may then require an identification evidence – basically, a proof that you are the person you are requesting information for and about.

You have the right to rectification or deletion or to restrict processing of your personal data to the extent permitted by law.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and the right to data portability within the scope of the statutory requirements.

You have the right to open a complaint with the responsible data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data.

7      Contact information for our Data Protection Officer

Our appointed Data Protection Officer is Mr. Wolfgang Glasbrenner.

Contact details:

D-ploy (Deutschland) GmbH – Datenverarbeitungs- und Datenschutzinformationen für Bewerber

Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewerbung auf die ausgeschriebene Stelle und Ihr Interesse an einer Zusammenarbeit mit D-ploy. In den folgenden Abschnitten informieren wir Sie über die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten im Rahmen des Bewerbungsverfahrens.

1      Verantwortlichkeit für die Datenverarbeitung

D-ploy (Deutschland) GmbH

Wiesentalstraße 74a

DE-79539 Lörrach

Weitere Informationen zu unserem Unternehmen, Informationen zu den vertretungsberechtigten Personen, Unternehmen und relevante Kontaktdaten finden Sie auf unserer Website

2      Welche personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten wir und zu welchem Zweck?

Wir verarbeiten die Daten, die Sie uns mit Ihrer Bewerbung übermittelt haben, um Ihre Eignung für die Stelle (oder ggf. andere offene Stellen in unserem Unternehmen und unseren Unternehmen) zu überprüfen und das Bewerbungsverfahren durchzuführen.

3      Was ist die Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten?

Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten in diesem Bewerbungsverfahren ist in erster Linie Art. 6. 1 lit. b GDPR (Allgemeine Datenschutz-Verordnung Regulation (EU) 2016/679). Sie ermöglicht die Verarbeitung von Daten, die für die Entscheidung bezüglich eines Beschäftigungsverhältnisses und für das weitere Vertragsverfahren erforderlich ist.

Sollten die Daten nach Abschluss des Bewerbungsverfahrens für rechtliche Verfahren erforderlich sein, kann die weitere Datenverarbeitung auf den Voraussetzungen des Art. 6 GDPR (Allgemeine Datenschutz-Verordnung Regulation (EU) 2016/679) beruhen, insbesondere zur Ausübung berechtigter Interessen nach Art. f) GDPR (Allgemeine Datenschutz-Verordnung Regulation (EU) 2016/679) im Hinblick auf die Geltendmachung oder Verteidigung von Ansprüchen.

4      Wie lange werden die Daten gespeichert?

Für den Fall, dass kein Beschäftigungsverhältnis mit dem Kandidaten zustande kommt, werden Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nach 3 Jahren gelöscht.

Für den Fall, dass ein Beschäftigungsverhältnis zustande kommt, werden die personenbezogenen Daten des Kandidaten an unser Personalmanagementsystem übertragen.

5      An wen werden die personenbezogenen Daten weitergegeben?

Nur die Personen, die sie für die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung und sorgfältige Durchführung unseres Bewerbungsverfahrens benötigen, haben Zugriff auf Ihre Daten. Ihre Bewerberdaten werden nach Eingang Ihrer Bewerbung von der Recruiting-Abteilung geprüft. Entsprechende Bewerbungen werden dann intern an die jeweiligen Personalverantwortlichen für die jeweilige offene Stelle sowie an die entsprechenden Führungskräfte weitergeleitet, die in den Entscheidungsprozess eingebunden sind. Für bestimmte Beratungspositionen und spezifische Kundenmandate können Ihre personenbezogenen Daten an den Personalverantwortlichen des Kunden weitergegeben werden.

Personenbezogene Daten können in andere EU-Länder oder Nicht-EU-Länder übermittelt werden, in denen D-ploy und / oder ein bestimmter Kunde eine Niederlassung hat gemäß Art. 45 und Art. 46 GDPR (Allgemeine Datenschutz-Verordnung Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

6      Ihre Rechte als „betroffene Person“

Sie haben das Recht, darüber informiert zu werden, welche Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten wir verarbeiten.

Im Falle eines Auskunftsersuchens, das nicht schriftlich erfolgt, bitten wir um Ihr Verständnis, dass wir dann ggf. einen Identifikationsnachweis verlangen – grundsätzlich einen Nachweis, dass Sie die Person sind, für die und über die Sie Informationen anfordern.

Sie haben das Recht auf Berichtigung oder Löschung oder auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten, soweit dies gesetzlich zulässig ist.

Sie haben das Recht, der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu widersprechen und das Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Vorgaben.

Sie haben das Recht, sich bei der zuständigen Datenschutz-Aufsichtsbehörde über die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu beschweren.

7      Kontaktdaten unseres Datenschutzbeauftragten

Unser bestellter Datenschutzbeauftragter ist Herr Wolfgang Glasbrenner.


D-ploy (Czech Republic) s.r.o. – Data Processing and Protection information for applicants

Thank you for your application to the advertised position and your interest in working with D-ploy. In the following sections, we provide you with information on the processing of your personal data during the recruitment process.

1      Data processing responsibility

D-ploy (Czech Republic) s.r.o.

Budejovicka 778/3a

CZ-140 00 Prague 4

You will find further information about our company, information about the persons entitled to represent the company, entities and relevant contact information on our website

2      What personal data are we processing and for which purpose?

We are processing the data that you have sent us with your application in order to verify your suitability for the position (or, if applicable, other open positions in our company and entities) and to carry out the application process.

3      What is the legal basis for the personal data processing?

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in this application procedure is primarily Art. 6. 1 (b) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). It allows processing of data, which is necessary in order to decide on the establishment of an employment relationship and further contractual proceedings.

Should the data be required for legal proceedings after the completion of the application process, further data processing may be based on the requirements of Art. 6 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), in particular for the exercise of legitimate interests under Art. f) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) with regard to the assertion or defence of claims.

4      For how long will the data be stored?

In case that no employment relationship is established with the candidate, your personal data will be deleted after 3 years.

In case where an employment relationship has been established, the personal data of the candidate will be transferred to our human resources management system.

5      With whom will the personal data be shared?

Only the persons who need it for the proper conduct and diligent execution of our application process have access to your data. Your applicant data will be reviewed by the Recruiting department after receiving your application. Appropriate applications are then forwarded internally to the particular hiring managers for the respective open position as well as to the corresponding management representatives who are involved in the decision-making process. For certain consulting positions and specific customer mandates, your personal data may be shared with the hiring manager of the customer.

Personal data may be transferred to other EU countries and / or non-EU countries where D-ploy and / or a specific customer has an entity in accordance with Art. 45 and Art. 46 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

6      Your “data subject” rights

You have the right to be informed about which of your personal data we are processing.

In case of a request for information that is not made in writing, we ask for your understanding that we may then require an identification evidence – basically, a proof that you are the person you are requesting information for and about.

You have the right to rectification or deletion or to restrict processing of your personal data to the extent permitted by law.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and the right to data portability within the scope of the statutory requirements.

You have the right to open a complaint with the responsible data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data.

7      Contact information for our Data Protection Officer

Our appointed Data Protection Officer is Mr. Wolfgang Glasbrenner.

Contact details:

D-ploy (Poland) sp. z o.o. – Data Processing and Protection information for applicants

Thank you for your application to the advertised position and your interest in working with D-ploy. In the following sections, we provide you with information on the processing of your personal data during the recruitment process.

1      Data processing responsibility

D-ploy (Poland) sp. z o.o.

ul. Zlota 59

PL-00-120 Warszawa

You will find further information about our company, information about the persons entitled to represent the company, entities and relevant contact information on our website

2      What personal data are we processing and for which purpose?

We are processing the data that you have sent us with your application in order to verify your suitability for the position (or, if applicable, other open positions in our company and entities) and to carry out the application process.

3      What is the legal basis for the personal data processing?

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in this application procedure is primarily Art. 6. 1 (b) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). It allows processing of data, which is necessary in order to decide on the establishment of an employment relationship and further contractual proceedings.

Should the data be required for legal proceedings after the completion of the application process, further data processing may be based on the requirements of Art. 6 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), in particular for the exercise of legitimate interests under Art. f) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) with regard to the assertion or defence of claims.

4      For how long will the data be stored?

In case that no employment relationship is established with the candidate, your personal data will be deleted after 3 years.

In case where an employment relationship has been established, the personal data of the candidate will be transferred to our human resources management system.

5      With whom will the personal data be shared?

Only the persons who need it for the proper conduct and diligent execution of our application process have access to your data. Your applicant data will be reviewed by the Recruiting department after receiving your application. Appropriate applications are then forwarded internally to the particular hiring managers for the respective open position as well as to the corresponding management representatives who are involved in the decision-making process. For certain consulting positions and specific customer mandates, your personal data may be shared with the hiring manager of the customer.

Personal data may be transferred to other EU countries and / or non-EU countries where D-ploy and / or a specific customer has an entity in accordance with Art. 45 and Art. 46 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

6      Your “data subject” rights

You have the right to be informed about which of your personal data we are processing.

In case of a request for information that is not made in writing, we ask for your understanding that we may then require an identification evidence – basically, a proof that you are the person you are requesting information for and about.

You have the right to rectification or deletion or to restrict processing of your personal data to the extent permitted by law.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and the right to data portability within the scope of the statutory requirements.

You have the right to open a complaint with the responsible data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data.

7      Contact information for our Data Protection Officer

Our appointed Data Protection Officer is Mr. Wolfgang Glasbrenner.

Contact details:

D-ploy (Slovenia) d.o.o. – Data Processing and Protection information for applicants

Thank you for your application to the advertised position and your interest in working with D-ploy. In the following sections, we provide you with information on the processing of your personal data during the recruitment process.

1      Data processing responsibility

D-ploy (Slovenia) d.o.o.

Okornova ulica 10

4000 Kranj


You will find further information about our company, information about the persons entitled to represent the company, entities and relevant contact information on our website

2      What personal data are we processing and for which purpose?

We are processing the data that you have sent us with your application in order to verify your suitability for the position (or, if applicable, other open positions in our company and entities) and to carry out the application process.

3      What is the legal basis for the personal data processing?

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in this application procedure is primarily Art. 6. 1 (b) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). It allows processing of data, which is necessary in order to decide on the establishment of an employment relationship and further contractual proceedings.

Should the data be required for legal proceedings after the completion of the application process, further data processing may be based on the requirements of Art. 6 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), in particular for the exercise of legitimate interests under Art. f) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) with regard to the assertion or defence of claims.

4      For how long will the data be stored?

In case that no employment relationship is established with the candidate, your personal data will be deleted after 3 years.

In case where an employment relationship has been established, the personal data of the candidate will be transferred to our human resources management system.

5      With whom will the personal data be shared?

Only the persons who need it for the proper conduct and diligent execution of our application process have access to your data. Your applicant data will be reviewed by the Recruiting department after receiving your application. Appropriate applications are then forwarded internally to the particular hiring managers for the respective open position as well as to the corresponding management representatives who are involved in the decision-making process. For certain consulting positions and specific customer mandates, your personal data may be shared with the hiring manager of the customer.

Personal data may be transferred to other EU countries and / or non-EU countries where D-ploy and / or a specific customer has an entity in accordance with Art. 45 and Art. 46 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

6      Your “data subject” rights

You have the right to be informed about which of your personal data we are processing.

In case of a request for information that is not made in writing, we ask for your understanding that we may then require an identification evidence – basically, a proof that you are the person you are requesting information for and about.

You have the right to rectification or deletion or to restrict processing of your personal data to the extent permitted by law.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and the right to data portability within the scope of the statutory requirements.

You have the right to open a complaint with the responsible data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data.

7      Contact information for our Data Protection Officer

Our appointed Data Protection Officer is Mr. Wolfgang Glasbrenner.

Contact details:

D-ploy UK Ltd. – Data Processing and Protection information for applicants

Thank you for your application to the advertised position and your interest in working with D-ploy. In the following sections, we provide you with information on the processing of your personal data during the recruitment process.

1      Data processing responsibility

D-ploy UK Ltd.

7a Abbey Business Park

Monks Walk, Farnham

Surrey GU9 8HT

You will find further information about our company, information about the persons entitled to represent the company, entities and relevant contact information on our website

2      What personal data are we processing and for which purpose?

We are processing the data that you have sent us with your application in order to verify your suitability for the position (or, if applicable, other open positions in our company and entities) and to carry out the application process.

3      What is the legal basis for the personal data processing?

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in this application procedure is primarily the United Kingdom (UK) Data Protection Act 2018, and Art. 6. 1 (b) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). It allows processing of data, which is necessary in order to decide on the establishment of an employment relationship and further contractual proceedings.

Should the data be required for legal proceedings after the completion of the application process, further data processing may be based on the requirements of Art. 6 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), in particular for the exercise of legitimate interests under Art. f) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) with regard to the assertion or defence of claims.

4      For how long will the data be stored?

In case that no employment relationship is established with the candidate, your personal data will be deleted after 3 years.

In case where an employment relationship has been established, the personal data of the candidate will be transferred to our human resources management system.

5      With whom will the personal data be shared?

Only the persons who need it for the proper conduct and diligent execution of our application process have access to your data. Your applicant data will be reviewed by the Recruiting department after receiving your application. Appropriate applications are then forwarded internally to the particular hiring managers for the respective open position as well as to the corresponding management representatives who are involved in the decision-making process. For certain consulting positions and specific customer mandates, your personal data may be shared with the hiring manager of the customer.

Personal data may be transferred to EU countries and / or non-EU countries where D-ploy and / or a specific customer has an entity in accordance with Chapter 5 of the United Kingdom (UK) Data Protection Act 2018 respectively Art. 45 and Art. 46 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

6      Your “data subject” rights

You have the right to be informed about which of your personal data we are processing.

In case of a request for information that is not made in writing, we ask for your understanding that we may then require an identification evidence – basically, a proof that you are the person you are requesting information for and about.

You have the right to rectification or deletion or to restrict processing of your personal data to the extent permitted by law.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and the right to data portability within the scope of the statutory requirements.

You have the right to open a complaint with the responsible data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data.

7      Contact information for our Data Protection Officer

Our appointed Data Protection Officer is Mr. Wolfgang Glasbrenner.

Contact details:

D-ploy (Österreich) GmbH – Data Processing and Protection information for applicants

Thank you for your application to the advertised position and your interest in working with D-ploy. In the following sections, we provide you with information on the processing of your personal data during the recruitment process.

1      Data processing responsibility

D-ploy (Österreich) GmbH

Kaiserbergstrasse 8

AT-6330 Kufstein

You will find further information about our company, information about the persons entitled to represent the company, entities and relevant contact information on our website

2      What personal data are we processing and for which purpose?

We are processing the data that you have sent us with your application in order to verify your suitability for the position (or, if applicable, other open positions in our company and entities) and to carry out the application process.

3      What is the legal basis for the personal data processing?

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in this application procedure is primarily Art. 6. 1 (b) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). It allows processing of data, which is necessary in order to decide on the establishment of an employment relationship and further contractual proceedings.

Should the data be required for legal proceedings after the completion of the application process, further data processing may be based on the requirements of Art. 6 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), in particular for the exercise of legitimate interests under Art. f) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) with regard to the assertion or defence of claims.

4      For how long will the data be stored?

In case that no employment relationship is established with the candidate, your personal data will be deleted after 3 years.

In case where an employment relationship has been established, the personal data of the candidate will be transferred to our human resources management system.

5      With whom will the personal data be shared?

Only the persons who need it for the proper conduct and diligent execution of our application process have access to your data. Your applicant data will be reviewed by the Recruiting department after receiving your application. Appropriate applications are then forwarded internally to the particular hiring managers for the respective open position as well as to the corresponding management representatives who are involved in the decision-making process. For certain consulting positions and specific customer mandates, your personal data may be shared with the hiring manager of the customer.

Personal data may be transferred to other EU countries or non-EU countries where D-ploy and / or a specific customer has an entity in accordance with Art. 45 and Art. 46 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

6      Your “data subject” rights

You have the right to be informed about which of your personal data we are processing.

In case of a request for information that is not made in writing, we ask for your understanding that we may then require an identification evidence – basically, a proof that you are the person you are requesting information for and about.

You have the right to rectification or deletion or to restrict processing of your personal data to the extent permitted by law.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and the right to data portability within the scope of the statutory requirements.

You have the right to open a complaint with the responsible data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data.

7      Contact information for our Data Protection Officer

Our appointed Data Protection Officer is Mr. Wolfgang Glasbrenner.

Contact details:

D-ploy (Österreich) GmbH – Datenverarbeitungs- und Datenschutzinformationen für Bewerber

Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewerbung auf die ausgeschriebene Stelle und Ihr Interesse an einer Zusammenarbeit mit D-ploy. In den folgenden Abschnitten informieren wir Sie über die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten im Rahmen des Bewerbungsverfahrens.

1      Verantwortlichkeit für die Datenverarbeitung

D-ploy (Österreich) GmbH

Kaiserbergstraße 8

AT-6330 Kufstein

Weitere Informationen zu unserem Unternehmen, Informationen zu den vertretungsberechtigten Personen, Unternehmen und relevante Kontaktdaten finden Sie auf unserer Website

2      Welche personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten wir und zu welchem Zweck?

Wir verarbeiten die Daten, die Sie uns mit Ihrer Bewerbung übermittelt haben, um Ihre Eignung für die Stelle (oder ggf. andere offene Stellen in unserem Unternehmen und unseren Unternehmen) zu überprüfen und das Bewerbungsverfahren durchzuführen.

3      Was ist die Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten?

Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten in diesem Bewerbungsverfahren ist in erster Linie Art. 6. 1 lit. b GDPR (Allgemeine Datenschutz-Verordnung Regulation (EU) 2016/679). Sie ermöglicht die Verarbeitung von Daten, die für die Entscheidung bezüglich eines Beschäftigungsverhältnisses und für das weitere Vertragsverfahren erforderlich ist.

Sollten die Daten nach Abschluss des Bewerbungsverfahrens für rechtliche Verfahren erforderlich sein, kann die weitere Datenverarbeitung auf den Voraussetzungen des Art. 6 GDPR (Allgemeine Datenschutz-Verordnung Regulation (EU) 2016/679) beruhen, insbesondere zur Ausübung berechtigter Interessen nach Art. f) GDPR (Allgemeine Datenschutz-Verordnung Regulation (EU) 2016/679) im Hinblick auf die Geltendmachung oder Verteidigung von Ansprüchen.

4      Wie lange werden die Daten gespeichert?

Für den Fall, dass kein Beschäftigungsverhältnis mit dem Kandidaten zustande kommt, werden Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nach 3 Jahren gelöscht.

Für den Fall, dass ein Beschäftigungsverhältnis zustande kommt, werden die personenbezogenen Daten des Kandidaten an unser Personalmanagementsystem übertragen.

5      An wen werden die personenbezogenen Daten weitergegeben?

Nur die Personen, die sie für die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung und sorgfältige Durchführung unseres Bewerbungsverfahrens benötigen, haben Zugriff auf Ihre Daten. Ihre Bewerberdaten werden nach Eingang Ihrer Bewerbung von der Recruiting-Abteilung geprüft. Entsprechende Bewerbungen werden dann intern an die jeweiligen Personalverantwortlichen für die jeweilige offene Stelle sowie an die entsprechenden Führungskräfte weitergeleitet, die in den Entscheidungsprozess eingebunden sind. Für bestimmte Beratungspositionen und spezifische Kundenmandate können Ihre personenbezogenen Daten an den Personalverantwortlichen des Kunden weitergegeben werden.

Personenbezogene Daten können in andere EU-Länder oder Nicht-EU-Länder übermittelt werden, in denen D-ploy und / oder ein bestimmter Kunde eine Niederlassung hat gemäß Art. 45 und Art. 46 GDPR (Allgemeine Datenschutz-Verordnung Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

6      Ihre Rechte als „betroffene Person“

Sie haben das Recht, darüber informiert zu werden, welche Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten wir verarbeiten.

Im Falle eines Auskunftsersuchens, das nicht schriftlich erfolgt, bitten wir um Ihr Verständnis, dass wir dann ggf. einen Identifikationsnachweis verlangen – grundsätzlich einen Nachweis, dass Sie die Person sind, für die und über die Sie Informationen anfordern.

Sie haben das Recht auf Berichtigung oder Löschung oder auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten, soweit dies gesetzlich zulässig ist.

Sie haben das Recht, der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu widersprechen und das Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Vorgaben.

Sie haben das Recht, sich bei der zuständigen Datenschutz-Aufsichtsbehörde über die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu beschweren.

7      Kontaktdaten unseres Datenschutzbeauftragten

Unser bestellter Datenschutzbeauftragter ist Herr Wolfgang Glasbrenner.


D-ploy (USA) Inc. – Data Processing and Protection information for applicants

Thank you for your application to the advertised position and your interest in working with D-ploy. In the following sections, we provide you with information on the processing of your personal data during the recruitment process.

1      Data processing responsibility

D-ploy (USA) Inc.

15770 N Dallas Parkway

Suite # 350

Dallas, TX-75248

You will find further information about our company, information about the persons entitled to represent the company, entities and relevant contact information on our website

2      What personal data are we processing and for which purpose?

We are processing the data that you have sent us with your application in order to verify your suitability for the position (or, if applicable, other open positions in our company and entities) and to carry out the application process.

3      What is the legal basis for the personal data processing?

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data in this application procedure is primarily the Texas Business and Commerce Code Title 11 Personal Identity Information as and where applicable, and Art. 6. 1 (b) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). It allows processing of data, which is necessary in order to decide on the establishment of an employment relationship and further contractual proceedings.

Should the data be required for legal proceedings after the completion of the application process, further data processing may be based on the requirements of Art. 6 GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), in particular for the exercise of legitimate interests under Art. f) GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) with regard to the assertion or defence of claims.

4      For how long will the data be stored?

In case that no employment relationship is established with the candidate, your personal data will be deleted after 3 years.

In case where an employment relationship has been established, the personal data of the candidate will be transferred to our human resources management system.

5      With whom will the personal data be shared?

Only the persons who need it for the proper conduct and diligent execution of our application process have access to your data. Your applicant data will be reviewed by the Recruiting department after receiving your application. Appropriate applications are then forwarded internally to the particular hiring managers for the respective open position as well as to the corresponding management representatives who are involved in the decision-making process. For certain consulting positions and specific customer mandates, your personal data may be shared with the hiring manager of the customer.

Personal data may be transferred to EU countries and / or non-EU countries where D-ploy and / or a specific customer has an entity.

6      Your “data subject” rights

You have the right to be informed about which of your personal data we are processing.

In case of a request for information that is not made in writing, we ask for your understanding that we may then require an identification evidence – basically, a proof that you are the person you are requesting information for and about.

You have the right to rectification or deletion or to restrict processing of your personal data to the extent permitted by law.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data and the right to data portability within the scope of the statutory requirements.

You have the right to open a complaint with the responsible data protection supervisory authority about the processing of your personal data.

7      Contact information for our Data Protection Officer

Our appointed Data Protection Officer is Mr. Wolfgang Glasbrenner.

Contact details: